Aug 2, 2013

Pet Disaster Plan

by Dr. C. Sue Furman

Hurricane season is in full swing, but disasters of many types can occur anywhere in the country. Wild fires are rampant in many Western states and more may flare up at any time. The Midwest has been devastated by tornados this spring, and torrential rains have caused floods in many states. Unfortunately there is no guarantee that the threat of these natural disaster is over. There is usually little time to prepare for a catastrophe so it is wise to plan ahead for your potential needs and also those of your pets. If you have to evacuate your home, please do not leave your pets behind! They may not be able to survive on their own. If they do, you may not be able to find them when you return.  Take a little time now to design a disaster plan for your pets. In the event of a disaster, you can face it with confidence knowing you have an appropriate plan and the materials to implement it. Take the suggested actions below and assemble the list of essential needs listed for a pet disaster kit. Have a plan for you and your family members including those with four legs!

Pet Disaster Plan!

  • Keep all pet ID tags up to date and securely attached to your pet's collar.
  • During a disaster, bring your pets inside immediately.
  • Take your pets with you if you have to leave town after a disaster.
  • Have a secure pet carrier and leash to prevent your pet from escaping if frightened.
  • Always leash your pets in new places. Loose pets are more likely to be lost or injured by debris or other hazards.
  • Many emergency shelters do not allow pets so plan ahead and make a list of motels and hotels in your evacuation area that allow pets.
  • Have a current photo of your pets with you in case they get lost.
  • Keep your veterinarian's and local animal shelter's phone numbers handy.
  • Keep a pet disaster kit packed in case of emergency. It should include:
    • Pet food - moist or canned food reduces the amount of water your pet will need
    • Bottled water
    • Medications
    • Veterinary records
    • Can opener
    • Food dishes
    • First aid kit
    • Scissors (with blunt ends)
    • Small flashlight
    • Towel or blanket (large enough to transport your pet)
    • Other supplies you need for your pet on a daily basis
    • Litter pan and litter

C. Sue Furman, Ph.D.

This article originally appeared in the October 2012 Holistic Touch Therapy Newsletter.